I guess I really don't have much to say, and that is pretty okay.  I've had a really rough few days, weeks, whatever.

This past week I've had a series of unlucky events happen to me.  I had an incredible weekend in RENT, and after that, it all kind of fell apart. I got very sick, and after being told it was time to be housebound for two days, my apartment caught fire.  It was a total loss, but thank whomever, we all got out okay--5 adults, 2 kids, a cat and a dog.  It's been a very shocking and emotional few days.

But, this is about social media.  Although in a crisis, and after losing everything, I did manage to get my cell phone out.  Because I have a smart phone, I was able to update my status on Facebook with information. Who does that, in the midst of a crisis?  Someone born in my generation, that's who.  Was it for my own good, or was in necessary?  It was a great feeling to have the support of my Facebook friends, whom I really do all know in real life.  This social media outlet helped me communicate my situation, and I have received so many offers of everything from furniture, to clothes, to a roof over our heads, to anything.  

For so long, even while taking this class, I still felt a twinge of the social-media-is-for-fun bug.  It really, really isn't always just for fun.  As odd as this may sound, it really was almost a support system for me.  A good friend of mine wanted to set up a fundraiser for my roommates and I, and one of my brothers wanted to call out to all of his friends to help collect items for us.  It has been incredible.

Not only has Facebook helped us obtain physical items, but people have given so much love and support.  I know it sounds cheesy, and some people think others just "post because it's the right thing to do."  I really have taken it all to heart--that someone knows about my problem, and really are giving their thoughts, prayers, and concern for us.  For being someone who always thought she was just an average person, it makes me feel more loved than ever.

To family, friends, and all of those inbetween who have helped us--I thank you.  Without Facebook, and social media in general, I may still be in a little bit of a darker place.  That sounds so very strange, but it's true--kind words and thoughts have really helped bring my spirits up, and have made the situation a little easier to deal with.

To my roommates, Melyssa and Curtis (and Legal!)--We are strong, and we are proud.  This experience will make us better people. I love you with all of my heart, and I thank you for being able to understand my pain and heartache.


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